RipControl allows load balancing and reporting from Harlequin RIPs. The status of RIP'ed jobs can be observed via web browsers. RipControl may be installed as stand-alone service on existing Harlequins or may be part of the ControlCenter Enterprise system
Product highlights
Load balancing of incoming PS/EPS/PDF jobs over multiple RIPs
Browser interface allows view from PCs and MACs
Real-time RIP progress information
Reporting of detailed RIP errors and warnings
Warnings on RIPs not responding
Scaling of PDF pages accoring to page formats defined in the ControlCenter production database. (requires ControlCenter Pro/Enterprise)
PageTrimmer is an automated hot-folder based application for trimming (cropping) of PDF- and (ripped) TIFF-pages to definable page formats. PageTrimmer is typically used for normalizing pages prior to imposition. The normalizing process ensures that pages are in the correct size and that the content of the page is positioned correctly within the page.
PageTrimmer can be installed as stand-alone application or can be integrated with the ControlCenter workflow where page format information is determined by the ControLCenter production database.
Product highlights
Hotfolder-operation - as stand-alone or part of the ControlCenter workflow
Trimming of PDF and TIFF files
Resulting page format can depend on file name parsing, so that 'intelligent' trimming can take place
(product specific trimming)
Different trimming of odd and even pages, e.g. to crop off bleed margin in the spine
Some imposition programs and workflows require one-page-per-file PDFs. PDFsplitter turns a multipage document into individual page PDF-files
Product highlights
Maintains fonts, color profiles, metadata and other header information for each output file
Supports PDF 1.x and PDF/X-1:2001, PDF/X-1a:2001, PDF/X-3:2002, PDF/X-1a:2003, PDF/X-2:2003, PDF/X-3:2003
Does not require Acrobat or any other external PDF programs.
Unattended hot-folder based operation
Optional reporting to ControlCenter database for remote monitoring